Real-time Updates: A real-time connection could not be established with the server
If you are faced with the following error message when you log into Episerver Edit mode, do not fear. It can be easily fixed.
Real-time Updates
A real-time connection could not be established with the server.
This may be caused by incorrect configuration.
Please see the User interface section in the user guide for further information.
The problem is that Episerver CMS tries to use web sockets, but fails. The preferred option is to enable web sockets on your hosting environment. If that is not possible, you can tell Episerver CMS to stop trying to use web sockets.
Enable websocket in IIS

Enable web sockets in Azure
Disable web sockets
If you, for some reason, cannot enable web sockets, or you use an CDN that prevents web sockets from working, add the following to your web.config file.
<add key="Epi.WebSockets.Enabled" value="false" />
You can read more about web socket support in the CMS user interface in the developer guide.
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