Tags: CMS12 Optimizely CMS

Optimizely CMS 12 and SixLabors.ImageSharp

The NuGet package EPiServer.CMS.Core versions up to 12.16.0 included a reference to SixLabors.ImageSharp.

The NuGet package EPiServer.CMS.Core versions up to 12.16.0 included a reference to SixLabors.ImageSharp.

With the release of EPiServer.CMS.Core 12.17.0 yesterday, this reference has been removed, and if you want to useSixLabors.ImageSharp, you can reference the new package EPiServer.ImageLibrary.ImageSharp instead.

This package can be used for working with images, and also works in a Linux environment – like CMS 12 in Optimizely DXP.

Update: The official announcement from Optimizely, published the day after this blog post: Change in package structure in CMS Core 12.17.0

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