
Change timezone for a Linux-based Azure WebApp

The time zone for a Windows-based Azure WebApp can be set using the WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE app setting. If you try the same with a Linux-based WebApp you may find yourself in trouble. Read how to do it!


Restore point-in-time backup for Azure SQL database

If you are doing manual updates directly to your Episerver database, or performing an upgrade that updates the database schema it could be a good idea to have a backup from the exact time right before the change is made. In Azure, you always have!

Azure SQL

Flytt hjem: Azureressurser i Norway East

For noen måneder siden var det ikke fritt frem for å opprette SQL-databaser i Azure-regionen Norway East - men nå er det! Jeg viser hvordan man kan flytte en Azure SQL-database på tvers av regioner.

Azure SQL